Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In 1st Nephi, it talks about when Nephi and his brothers get the plates of brass. It is a very neat story. Lehi receives a vision saying that Jerusalem is going to be destroyed and that he must leave. Lehi and his family obey the Lord and leave. Lehi is told that he must send his sons back to Jerusalem to get the plates of brass. Laman goes to Laban, who has the plates and tries to talk him into giving them the plates of brass. Laban says that he won't give them the plates and sends Laman out. Nephi and his brothers go get the riches that they left at their home in Jerusalem and ask Laban, "If we give you these can we have the plates of brass?" Laban says no, and tries to kill them. They escapes just in time! Laman and Lemuel are angry and start hurting Nephi and Sam. An angel appears to them, but after that Laman and Lemuel begin to murmur. Nephi goes back in to Jerusalem, knowing not what he would do. He finds Laban drunk. The Lord tells Nephi to kill Laban and Nephi doesn't want to. Nephi kills Laban and puts on his clothes. He gets the plates of brass from Zoram, Laban's servant, who thought that he was Laban. Nephi's brothers think that Nephi is Laban and start to run away. Nephi calls to them and they descover that Nephi is not Laban. When Zoram discovers that Nephi is not Laban, he starts to run back to Jerusalem, but Nephi calls to him and Zoram comes back to Nephi. Nephi and his brothers return with Zoram and the plates of brass and their family rejoices.


Anonymous said...

This shows me that some times we have to follow the promptings of the spirit even when it is hard or we don't want to.


Darcee said...

Nice summarizing. Summarizing is a very important skill.

Anonymous said...

Very nicely retold.
