Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Biography of Papa

Have you heard of any boys who were born in Preston, Idaho and had 6 sisters and 4 brothers? Well, here is the story of one. He is my own grandfather. I call him Papa.

Papa has lived in Preston, Idaho all his life, except, on trips, his mission, college, and when he was training to be in the army.

He has been to lots of different countries. He has been to Germany, Holland, France, Switzerland, Mexico, and Canada.

When he was in school, he went to Whitney Elementary School, Preston High School, and BYU.

His brothers and sisters are Margene age 69, Mark age 67, Larue is dead, Kent age 60, Sherry age 58, Connie age 56, Karma age 53, Dixie age 52, Kenny age 49, and Dale 47. Papa is 65 years old.

When Papa was little he liked to play basketball, softball, and he liked to water skii.

He likes to watch basketball and football on T.V. He doesn't like any T.V. shows. The last movie he watched was John Adams.

His favorite food is fresh fruit.

His favorite subject in school was science. He was best at math and science at school. After school Papa liked to play outside. His favorite part of school was recess.

The last book he read was The Runaway Jury.

Now you know about Papa, If you want to know any more, ask him!


Janice said...

Cool, Ellie. You did a good job with your interview and reporting of it. Keep up the good work!
Love, Nanna

Darcee said...

And now I know why Grandpa and Chandler are best buds. . . they both list fresh fruit as the #1 food!

I was waiting for the famous chicken or skunk stories. . . maybe you should find out about those and write about them.

Margene said...

Ellie, That's great! Ask your Papa about his love for avacados, chocolate covered raisans and if he still loves to play marbles. He also was a peacemaker when he was growing up. He didn't get in arguments with his old sister. Ask him to tell you the story about the Mrs Kesler and the egg story. I think he was a little unhappy that time. I am your ole great aunt. Love you!!

Camille said...

Great biography Ellie