Friday, May 1, 2009

An Adventure with Papa!

Papa, you wanted an adventure with me. Well, here you got it!

When I was 5, Nanna, Papa, and good uncle Jonny lived in Hawaii.

One fine hot summer day I went to visit Papa. He was very happy to see me and I was too.

The next day Papa asked me if I wanted to hike up a volcano.

"All right," I said.

So we started off, climbing and climbing. Soon we reached the top.

Just as we reached the top, THE VOLCANO ERUPTED!! We started running down the volcano! We thought we would never make it! We ran to the beach and jumped in the water! Papa and I swam and we swam across the ocean. We got to California, rented a car, and drove to Colorado.

Papa stayed with us for a few days and then drove to Idaho and lived there.

I missed Papa, but I still got to visit him.

(It was quite an adventure, eventhough it was all a dream.)



Janice said...

What happened to Nanna and Uncle Jonny? I wouldn't be able to swim to California so I must still be in Hawaii. Although I like to visit Hawaii, it is too far from all those who are dear to me. I'd be homesick, I think. When we were in Hawaii last time Papa and I hiked a volcano. What a beautiful view from the top! Luckily it didn't erupt while we were there.
Keep writing, Ellie. You are a good writer with a vivid imagination.
Love, Nanna

Anonymous said...

That would be neat and scarry to be at the top of a volcano when it erupted.

love ya!


Anonymous said...

Bravo, bravo Ellie. I loved it and injoyed the swim. (Our little secret that the huge whale, named Budga gave us a ride every afternoon of the 6 day swim.)Remember how we ate the strawberry jelly fish on a star fish. That gave us great energy to keep swimming. Lets do something again soon.

Love Papa

Sara said...

Ellie, I have a friend who turned her wonderful imagination into a keep using the talents God gave you and the sky is the limit sweet girl!

Darcee said...

How lucky you are such good swimmers. . . people like me would have had to be content with living under the sea since I could have never made it to California. But living under the sea might be exciting too.

Anonymous said...

Great story Ellie I enjoyed it.
That would be awesome in real
Your cousin,