Monday, June 28, 2010

fun with K.J., Hope and Sarah

This post is going to be about all the fun I have with K.J., Hope, and Sarah. Most of these pictures are funny pictures, so feel free to laugh! My pleasure! When you comment, tell me which picture you liked best! So, hold onto your sides, here comes funniness! ( and cuteness!)
Hope is so cute! She loves it when I do her hair up all pretty, and when we have " madovers". She is so patient about everything, and oh so sweet! After I get her all dressed up, she always says, " piddure peas?". She is so precious!

Here I am. I painted my face, and I am now a pirate! ( Mom got really mad!)

So funny! I meant to take a picture of me, but I must of turned the camera the wrong way, and taken a picture of Sarah! Soon I am going to post a post about Sarah, and all the fun we have together!

Hope wanted me to take a picture of her running, so I did! She is so funny! Soon, I will post a post about Hope and all the fun "just us," as she calls it , have together!

Funny K.J.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soon I an going to post a post called " Fun With K.J.", so be waiting!

L.O.L.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! K.J. dressed up as a girl! " Kajina " even had lipstick! Feel free to laugh!


Unknown said...

Oh Ellie, you crazy girl! You're always up for a good time!

Janice said...

Ellie, how did you get K.J. to doll up like that? He is hilarious! Thanks for posting these funny pictures. I had a good laugh!
Love, Nanna

Anonymous said...

You gave Papa the giggles

Alesha said...

thats just so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant believe that you guyes did that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alesha said...

hi ellie!i read your comment on my blog.i am looking foward to art. actually i wanted a blog because of looking at my cousins blogs.
miss you!
love alesha

Katie and Dennis said...

Did K.J. beg for a picture like Hope does? Funny!