Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mesa Verde

For our family vacation in April, we went to Mesa Verde. This post tells about the neat stuff I learned there. We had to drive fifteen miles up the mountain to get there. Travel back 1,500 years with me, and let's explore the world of the Anasazi! ( pronounced ona-sauzie)

There were often passages like these two pictures next to kivas. ( you'll learn about kivas later in this post.) The rangers didn't tell us what they were for. I think they were used to get in and out of the kiva. When you comment, tell me what you think they were used for.

Tower. Room at the top. When a new baby was born, the parents would cut off the umbilical cord, and hang it from a window in a tower, like this one. If the baby died, they believed that the baby became part of the ceiling in that room.

Ceiling of a room. Not very safe. I bet the rain got right in!

Sorry it's blurry! Inside of a room. There is a passage that leads to another room. I bet you can see it , it's at the back of the room.

These two pictures are pictures of kivas. Kivas are kitchens or places where the indians had family reuinions. Kiva means "Room underneath."

I liked Mesa Verde. It was lots of fun! Fun Fact: Some of the trees in Mesa Verde are over 1,000 years old!


Unknown said...

Nice write up, Ellie! Did you get any pictures of the pithouses? I am excited to read and learn about the Anasazi people more--it's so fascinating to me!

Janice said...

Very interesting and informative. Mesa Verde looks like a fun place to visit. How would you like to cook in a kiva? It looks hard with the fire pit on the floor. I can't imagine living in a place there!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures! It is amazing to see how the people lived so long ago. Where do you think they worked on their computers?
Love DAD

The Porter's said...

Thanks for sharing, Ellie! I went to Mesa Verde when I was in junior high but I forgot how cool it was. Thanks for the reminder!

Katie and Dennis said...

I have wanted to go there ever since I saw pictures of it a few years ago! Maybe someday.... Thanks for the pictures and explanations! WOW!!