Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Storm

I wrote a story for poetry. I edited it and am going to post it for you to read. I am going to send it to the Publishers and hope to have it published someday. I want to become an author when I grow up. Enjoy the story!

Chapter 1: The Rain Comes

It was a dark June night. My two sisters, Hope and Sarah, and I were sleeping outside on the trampoline. K.J. was at father and son campout and couldn't be with us. We looked up at the sky, all bright and pretty with the moon and stars. As we were talking softly about seeing the big dipper, the stars and moon were suddenly covered and we heard thunder.

" It's going to rain," I said, "We better get inside."

" No, lets stay outside," said Sarah, "I want to see what happens."

" All right," I said, " As long as we go inside if it gets bad."

So, we lay outside, watching the lightning and hearing the thunder. Then it started to rain heavily. We pulled our sleeping bags over our heads so we wouldn't get wet . We had been laying there for about 1and a half hours , when I heard Hope scream!

CHAPTER 2: The Flood

I quickly yanked my sleeping bag off my head. Hope was screaming and pointing downward. I looked under the trampoline and saw that if I got off the trampoline the water would go up to my chin! I looked harder and saw for sure it was quickly rising.

"I want to go inside," Hope cried, "I don't like it out here, is it deep Ellie?"

"It would cover your head if you got off," I said.

"I can't swim," cried Hope, "I want Mom!"

"I'll wake up Sarah," I said.

I turned over to shake little Sarah awake.

"Sarah, wake up!" I yelled, "It's a flood!"

Sarah woke up and when she saw the water she started to cry.

Both Hope and Sarah cuddled as close to me as they possibly could, and we huddled together, trying to think of a plan. Suddenly, the water covered our sleeping bags and pillows! We were sitting in a rain water pool!

Chapter 3 : Ellie to the Rescue

"Ellie, help us!" cried Hope.

"Wait I have a plan!" I said.

I quickly grabbed Sarah and dove off of the trampoline, swimming toward the house, trying very hard to keep Sarah's head above water.

"Come back!" yelled Hope.

"I will!" I yelled back.

Soon I reached the door. Taking a deep breath, I dunked under the water, opened the door wide enough for Sarah to fit in, and pushed her in the house.

I hurriedly closed the heavy door, and quickly swam back to Hope.

Hope was crying, and her head was barely above water.

I quickly grabbed her and swam to the door. Doing the same thing I had done with Sarah, both of us rushed inside.

Chapter 4: Home at Last

We walked into the living room where Mom was laughing and hugging Sarah. When she saw us she laughed and hugged us too.

"I'm so glad you're here!" she said, "I was so worried about you!"

We spent the rest of the night having a happy reunion.

Oh, as for dad and K.J., they swam home safely.


Anonymous said...

Great story Ellie. I want to be a writer to when I grow up. I always dreamed of having my writing published. I dont think my mom will let me though.

Your cousin,

Janice said...

Oh, Ellie, you had me in suspense! I'm glad you all survived the flood.

Love, Nanna

Anonymous said...

What a great story. I think if I wrote a story like that I would drown.


Sara said...

I love your story! You are such a brave and protective big sister!