Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Free Verse (Kind Of!)

Free verses are poems that DON'T have meter and DON'T rhyme.
Sitting makes your cereal soft.
Feet make your sandals soft.
Microwaves make your butter soft.
Lotion makes your hands soft.
And LOVE makes your heart soft.
Ducks waddle.
Ducks quack.
Duck have
Feathers on
Their back!
This is not a free verse
I mess up every time,
It is not a free verse
(Uh-oh I spelled BECAUSE

Monday, May 25, 2009

Read Judy Moody Around the World in 8 1/2 Days!

You should read the book Judy Moody Around the World in 8 1/2 Days. It is good for entertainment, and of course, will teach you a few things. When you are sick in bed, that's the book to read! In the car, read it! I know that you'll love it!

Here is a short summary: One day while Judy Moody is eating her sandwich, a girl named Amy Namey sits down beside her friends Rocky and Frank. She is a reporter. She can get the school to have pizza everyday for lunch! Judy Moody doesn't like that so Amy Namey and Judy Moody are enimies. When Amy Namey leaves, Rocky and Frank start telling Judy Moody how she and Amy Namey are so much alike. Judy Moody is furious! She thought that there was only one Judy Moody! Judy Moody is mad at Amy Namey, until, Amy Namey lets Judy be in her club for people all around the world with names that rhyme! That's when Judy loses three of her friends, Rocky, Frank, and Jessica.

What in the world will happen to Judy Moody now? Will she get her friends back? Will everything turn out okey in the end? If you want to know what happens, you have got to read this book!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Blank Verses and Ballads

Blank Verses...
...are lines that have ten sylables each, and do not rhyme. Blank verses are pretty weird! Every other syllable in a blank verse is accented. Here are some blank verses:
We must do one together in case I
Forget what to write in this horrible
Blank verse that I have to write on my blog!
I like to write blank verses with pencil,
Because I can erase mistakes I make,
If I don't write blank verses in pencil,
I might make the biggest mistake on earth!
...are poems that have at least four lines that usually tell a story. Here is a ballad:
I love my sister Sarah,
She is so very special.
She loves to crawl, climb, and talk,
And has a funny toenail!
One day she started upstairs,
To find her dear lost mommy,
She fell right down, bumped her head,
And got a great big WHAMMY!

Friday, May 15, 2009


On the drive back to Colorado, at the end of spring break, when the front of the car was in Iowa, and the back of the car was in Illinois, we got stuck in the middle of the Mississippi River!

Here is how it happened:

It was a dark and cold spring morning. The sun was just coming up. We set out from Nauvoo, Illinois to Iowa. We started across the Mississippi River on a draw bridge. Suddenly the draw bridge came apart to let a barge through. We were stuck in the middle of the Mississippi River! Dad got out and took a picture of the barge. The barge got through and the gate started closing. After it closed, it started opening again! We sat there for one hour waiting to get across. Finally, the gate opened and we got across.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

The saying "beauty is only skin deep" has an important meaning. It means that you can't judge a person by the way they look. If someone is pretty or handsome, that doesn't mean that they are nice. It's the inside that counts! Pretty isn't important! So don't complain if you have to wear something that won't make you look pretty. Be nice to people and they'll mostly be nice to you no matter how pretty you look!

What Is a Cinquain? What Is a Couplet?

Dad and Sister Seele,

You wanted to know what cinquains and couplets are. I will tell you.

A couplet is basicly two lines that rhyme and have the same rythm. For example:
If your first line has 5 sylables and the last word is tree, then your second line has to have 5 sylables with the last word rhyming with the word tree.

A cinquain is a poem that always has 5 lines. These are the 5 lines:
Line 1--Title (one noun)
Line 2--Description about the title (two adjectives)
Line 3--An action about the title (three verbs)
Line 4--A feeling about the title (a four-word phrase)
Line 5--Another word for the title (one-word synonym)


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

An Alliteration for Aunt Darcee

Friendly fingers flourish feathery frantic familliar famous fountains.

There you are, Aunt Darcee! An alliteration just for you!

The Biography of Papa

Have you heard of any boys who were born in Preston, Idaho and had 6 sisters and 4 brothers? Well, here is the story of one. He is my own grandfather. I call him Papa.

Papa has lived in Preston, Idaho all his life, except, on trips, his mission, college, and when he was training to be in the army.

He has been to lots of different countries. He has been to Germany, Holland, France, Switzerland, Mexico, and Canada.

When he was in school, he went to Whitney Elementary School, Preston High School, and BYU.

His brothers and sisters are Margene age 69, Mark age 67, Larue is dead, Kent age 60, Sherry age 58, Connie age 56, Karma age 53, Dixie age 52, Kenny age 49, and Dale 47. Papa is 65 years old.

When Papa was little he liked to play basketball, softball, and he liked to water skii.

He likes to watch basketball and football on T.V. He doesn't like any T.V. shows. The last movie he watched was John Adams.

His favorite food is fresh fruit.

His favorite subject in school was science. He was best at math and science at school. After school Papa liked to play outside. His favorite part of school was recess.

The last book he read was The Runaway Jury.

Now you know about Papa, If you want to know any more, ask him!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cinquains and Couplets

Today I learned about couplets and cinquains. I am homeschooled and my favorite subject is poetry. I have a poetry journal that I put my poetry in. I also put some on this blog, as you can see. I have some couplets and cinquains that I would like to share with you.

Happy, protective,
Jumping, swinging, loving,
Loves to be carried!
Fat, clumsy,
Gobbling, wobbling, hobbling,
A very clumsy thing!
Thanksgiving Dinner.
Here's one that I got from a book!
Bumpy, lumpy,
Crunching, munching, lunching,
Cucumbers makin' you pucker,
Snow, snow, when will it snow?
Really, oh really, I don't know.
One day a big car did beep,
As it climbed up a hill that was very steep.
A poem, a poem, I cannot write
I tried and tried all through the night.
Through the door I tossed the ball
And watched it roll right down the hall.
Up a tree I saw my cat
Put on a funny hat.
Grasshoppers, spiders, and tiny ants
Like to eat my brother's pants.
I hope you liked the couplets!
Well, that's all I have for you. I hope you enjoyed them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Here's some tongue twisters that I wrote:

Does detirmined Donald do the dirty dishes daily?

Do drowsy ducks do decayable dishes?

Digesting ducks do dances daily downstairs.

Burping burly Bob butchers buttered bread.

Aching Alligators ate aiding apes.

Creeping catterpillars crunch cosmos casually.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In 1st Nephi, it talks about when Nephi and his brothers get the plates of brass. It is a very neat story. Lehi receives a vision saying that Jerusalem is going to be destroyed and that he must leave. Lehi and his family obey the Lord and leave. Lehi is told that he must send his sons back to Jerusalem to get the plates of brass. Laman goes to Laban, who has the plates and tries to talk him into giving them the plates of brass. Laban says that he won't give them the plates and sends Laman out. Nephi and his brothers go get the riches that they left at their home in Jerusalem and ask Laban, "If we give you these can we have the plates of brass?" Laban says no, and tries to kill them. They escapes just in time! Laman and Lemuel are angry and start hurting Nephi and Sam. An angel appears to them, but after that Laman and Lemuel begin to murmur. Nephi goes back in to Jerusalem, knowing not what he would do. He finds Laban drunk. The Lord tells Nephi to kill Laban and Nephi doesn't want to. Nephi kills Laban and puts on his clothes. He gets the plates of brass from Zoram, Laban's servant, who thought that he was Laban. Nephi's brothers think that Nephi is Laban and start to run away. Nephi calls to them and they descover that Nephi is not Laban. When Zoram discovers that Nephi is not Laban, he starts to run back to Jerusalem, but Nephi calls to him and Zoram comes back to Nephi. Nephi and his brothers return with Zoram and the plates of brass and their family rejoices.

Friday, May 1, 2009

An Adventure with Papa!

Papa, you wanted an adventure with me. Well, here you got it!

When I was 5, Nanna, Papa, and good uncle Jonny lived in Hawaii.

One fine hot summer day I went to visit Papa. He was very happy to see me and I was too.

The next day Papa asked me if I wanted to hike up a volcano.

"All right," I said.

So we started off, climbing and climbing. Soon we reached the top.

Just as we reached the top, THE VOLCANO ERUPTED!! We started running down the volcano! We thought we would never make it! We ran to the beach and jumped in the water! Papa and I swam and we swam across the ocean. We got to California, rented a car, and drove to Colorado.

Papa stayed with us for a few days and then drove to Idaho and lived there.

I missed Papa, but I still got to visit him.

(It was quite an adventure, eventhough it was all a dream.)