Sunday, November 24, 2013

Our Awesome Cats

  When we moved, we inherited lots of cats! I am in heaven with all these adorable kitties! Here they are from the order we got them or in the order that they became friendly- some of them are still unfriendly and some that I will show pictures of have died :(  but here they are!

This is my beautiful Honey Butter. He has been a part of our family for five years. He is currently seven years old. I love him so much! Here are a few more pictures of him.

Honey loves to lounge on our porch. He is always lounging somewhere!

When we lived in Colorado, Honey had to live in the garage for awhile. This was his favorite sleeping place.

Smoky, my baby, is next. He has been a part of our family for about a year and a half. We got him as a kitten- starving and alone. He is now very big and just a cuddly teddy bear. All you have to do is go outside and sit down and he is in your lap- purring. Here are a few more pictures.

I love this picture!

Coal chased him up a tree, and he was so cute, I just had to take pictures!

This is Acorn- one of the momma cats. It was difficult to get a good picture of her, so this next one is not the best, but she is actually a really pretty cat.

See what I mean?

This is King, one of Acorn's kittens. King has recently disappeared, so we assume that she's dead. It was funny, because we named her King, thinking that she was a boy, but she's a girl, and the name stuck!

This is Snowball, another one of our momma cats. It was also difficult to get a  good picture of her. She loves to rub up against the door on our patio.

This is Bandit- our tom cat. He is as big as Smoky and weighs a lot! And yes- he does have a moustache.

This is Sofi-sosa, another momma cat. She loves to rub up against everything, which sometimes gets her a paw-swipe to the face! Fun fact-- all Siamese cats have blue eyes.

This is Beautiful. She died a few months ago. She got hit by a car. poor thing. She was so sweet- you could hold her and she would just purr and purr. Here are a couple more pictures.

Beautiful and King, two cats that are no longer with us :(

This is Fireblaze- one of our toms. We haven't seen him for a while, and we don't know what happened to him. Here is another picture of him.

He's a pretty cat, isn't he?

This is Fox, our most aggressive tom cat. We rarely see him, and this is the best picture I could get!

This is Sammi-sosa, another Siamese cat. She is beautiful, isn't she? She isn't friendly yet, but probably will be soon!

This is Alpha, a tom cat and one of Acorn's kittens. He isn't friendly yet, but will eventually be so.

This is the best picture I could get of Apricot, another of our unfriendly cats. She is quickly warming up to me, though.

So that's our cats! You should come and see them sometime!

And of course I can't forget about Coal, our sweet sweet puppy!


Laura said...

Wow Ms. Ellie! Lots of Kitties! I bet they will all love you. Take care my friend. Laura

Janice said...

You really do have lots of cats! Hope you don't get tired of feeding them - but maybe they will eat all the mice around your house! Good to hear from you!

Love you,

Janice said...
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Unknown said...

You take good care of the cats! It makes me happy to see you so happy.

Sarah said...

Smoky is my best friend. He's loving. Honey is a really lazy cat. Honey likes to sleep a lot. Goodbye.