Sunday, December 9, 2012


I recently got braces. I like them. As you can see, I got red and green colors. Following are pictures of my stuff, and how to take care of my teeth with braces. When I have braces, I can't have chewy candies, pop, or whole apples. I have to be careful with popcorn, crunchy foods, gum, or hard candies.

To brush my teeth with braces, I have to brush on top of the brackets,...

....and on bottom! This is tricky!

With this little brush, I brush in between the brackets,.... this! This is easy!

To floss, I thead needles like this with floss, and then,.....

....I bring it in between the brackets, and in between my teeth! This is about the hardest thing to do with braces!

This is my wax, which I use to,.....

......put on a bracket if it is painful. I used this a lot at first!

Here is all my braces stuff together!

And last, but not least, here is me before braces,......

.....and after!  I LOVE MY BRACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


We just found a kitten! We found it on the 14th of June. Everyone knows the story of Smoky, but here I'll tell it again! We were traveling to Utah for the Porter family reunion, and Sarah was feeling sick, so we stopped to walk around, and heard some meowing from the other side of the road. My dad went over to investigate, and this cute little black and white kitten came running out to greet him! Dad picked him up, and brought him over. He is a boy, and we named him Smoky. He is really a social cat, and much cuter in real life than in the pics. Here are more pictures of him:
Here I have him wrapped up in my blanket,(above) and on my pillow. He isn't a house cat; he gets along with Honey, and lives in the front yard with him, but we like to bring him in the house-a lot!
Silly cat! He was trying to get my camera just as I snapped a picture! He is a very social cat, one time he tried to follow my parents when they went on a walk, and got lost! Our neighbor found him, and returned him home safely.
Oh, little Smoky! So cute! Okay, it's time for a nap. Smoky loves sleeping, especially in someone's arms!
Hey, Smoky, let's play "the claw game"! We play this game that I call "the claw game" where I put my fingers just out of reach, and Smoky snags them with his claws, brings them to his mouth, and gently bites them.

How I love Smoky!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


We are in the midst of a really bad hailstorm! We had a party downstairs. Our trampoline got covered! Here is K.J. beside it......
...and then we decided to jump on it!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


On Sunday, Hope saw this picture of me when I was 5 years old, (above) and wanted to look just like it. So here she is! Same hairstyle, same dress, same age!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wittle Fishies!

I got a fish tank a couple weeks ago. Now I have 3 fish. These two are Platys. They are both male. The colorful one is Dynamite, and the orange one is Blacktail.Sorry-it's a little blurry! This is Mirrian (Mer-ee-en). She is a Chinese Algae Eater. She eats algae, and keeps my tank clean.And they are all happy together in their new little home!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I need to do something new

This is Honey Butter. I call him beautiful boy.

I love Honey because he lets me hold him. I can cradle him like a baby, and you name it, he lets me do it! He is a beautiful boy, isn't he?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Dad's Church Keys

These are my dad's Church Keys. He has a mini tie attached.

The mini tie is a surprise. I hope that he has to take his keys to church with him tonight, because I want to see what he does when he notices the tie.