Friday, July 29, 2011

A great surprise!

This is Abbi. She is a Pointer- Mix which is a hunting dog. We adopted her from the pound. Abbi is 2. Her birthday is the 13th of July, eventhough we adopted her today, on the 29th.

This is a cute picture. Abbi loves to run. She can outrun K.J. and me. She chased Honey Butter up a tree. Honey might not come back.

Abbi and K.J. Abbi likes chew-toys. we gave her 3 balls to play with. She tore pieces off her soccer ball. She popped her big green ball. She ripped her football in half!

How I love Abbi!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ellie! Who would have thought you and your family would have a dog! Dogs are the best. She will have a life changing effect on your family. She is a good looking dog. Keep the pics coming. Laura

Janice said...

Your dog, Abbi looks like a fine dog! I hope she becomes a great member of your family and that Honey will decide to come home again! Good luck!
Love, Nanna

Crocodile said...

Honey came back! He stays away from the back yard, though.

Ellie Cadoodle

Anonymous said...
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Darcee said...

Dogs are fun for the right people (we found out we weren't the right people. . . ). Hopefully you will love your dog more and more as time goes on. Have fun playing!

ellie said...

HOney does not live here anymore. HE lives at a house not too far from ours. Too bad- he was a nice and fun cat to have. Oh well.