Monday, June 28, 2010

fun with K.J., Hope and Sarah

This post is going to be about all the fun I have with K.J., Hope, and Sarah. Most of these pictures are funny pictures, so feel free to laugh! My pleasure! When you comment, tell me which picture you liked best! So, hold onto your sides, here comes funniness! ( and cuteness!)
Hope is so cute! She loves it when I do her hair up all pretty, and when we have " madovers". She is so patient about everything, and oh so sweet! After I get her all dressed up, she always says, " piddure peas?". She is so precious!

Here I am. I painted my face, and I am now a pirate! ( Mom got really mad!)

So funny! I meant to take a picture of me, but I must of turned the camera the wrong way, and taken a picture of Sarah! Soon I am going to post a post about Sarah, and all the fun we have together!

Hope wanted me to take a picture of her running, so I did! She is so funny! Soon, I will post a post about Hope and all the fun "just us," as she calls it , have together!

Funny K.J.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soon I an going to post a post called " Fun With K.J.", so be waiting!

L.O.L.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! K.J. dressed up as a girl! " Kajina " even had lipstick! Feel free to laugh!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

K.J. and I went on a date with dad not too long ago. We went horseback riding up a mountain. It was my first time horseback riding. It's a lot easier than I thought. I'm pretty good at it. This picture was of me and K.J. with our horses before the ride. My horse's name was Beaver. K.J.'s was named Bambi. Dad's horse's name was Rhino.
This picture is of me on Beaver before the ride. Beaver was a troublemaker and was pretty hard to ride, but I managed it okay. Bambi, K.J.'s horse was just gentle and sweet. Dad's horse, Rhino wasn't too friendly.

This is a picture of K.J. standing beside Bambi before the ride. Bambi was a little bit bigger than Beaver, so for the first time in his life, K.J. was taller than me! Bambi was prettier too. Dad's horse was the prettiest though, and the biggest. Dad's horse was humongous! Dad's horse was black and a Clyde'sdail.

This picture is of me and K.J. riding up the mountain on our horses. You have to lean forward and put your feet backward while going uphill and lean backward and put your feet forward while going downhill. This will balance the horse and keep it from stumbling.

This is a picture of me stopping my horse. you are supposed to lean back and pull up on the reins.

This is a picture of me and K.J. standing outside before the ride. I love horseback riding. It is lots of fun. So, thank you dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!