Thursday, May 27, 2010

New class pet.

We got a new class pet. Our new pet is a lizard. His name is Edgar.
Dad cought Edgar today at work. I will put a picture of Edgar lon my blog later. I love Edgar.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My ears

I got my ears pierced in April, the last day of our family vacation. As you can see, I got little pink flowers with a little tiny white diamond in the middle. It didn't hurt, it just felt like a hard pinch. But anyway, now I have my ears pierced and I'm glad I chose to do so!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mesa Verde

For our family vacation in April, we went to Mesa Verde. This post tells about the neat stuff I learned there. We had to drive fifteen miles up the mountain to get there. Travel back 1,500 years with me, and let's explore the world of the Anasazi! ( pronounced ona-sauzie)

There were often passages like these two pictures next to kivas. ( you'll learn about kivas later in this post.) The rangers didn't tell us what they were for. I think they were used to get in and out of the kiva. When you comment, tell me what you think they were used for.

Tower. Room at the top. When a new baby was born, the parents would cut off the umbilical cord, and hang it from a window in a tower, like this one. If the baby died, they believed that the baby became part of the ceiling in that room.

Ceiling of a room. Not very safe. I bet the rain got right in!

Sorry it's blurry! Inside of a room. There is a passage that leads to another room. I bet you can see it , it's at the back of the room.

These two pictures are pictures of kivas. Kivas are kitchens or places where the indians had family reuinions. Kiva means "Room underneath."

I liked Mesa Verde. It was lots of fun! Fun Fact: Some of the trees in Mesa Verde are over 1,000 years old!