Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Idioms does not mean idiot! I thought it meant idiot when I first heard the word.

Okay I will type some idioms for you. I will do the ones my mom likes the best then do my favorites. I will put what you need to listen for before the sentence. When you comment, be sure to tell me if you found all the idioms in the sentences.

WALKING ON AIR: When dad gave me ice cream in the middle of the night, I was walking on air.

PAYS OFF: Being nice to my little sisters sure pays off!

RAINING CATS AND DOGS: My brother thought it was raining cats and dogs when a cat flew in our house.

KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE: I don't kill two birds with one stone a lot.

LEAVE NO STONE UNTUNED: I try to leave no stone unturned.

THROUGH THICK AND THIN: I try to be strong through thick and thin.

Those ate mom's favorites. Now for mine.

HOLD YOUR HORSES: Dale's mom tells him to hold his horses a lot.

PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE: It is sometimes fun to put the cart before the horse.

SPILL THE BEANS: I did not spill the beans about Hope's name.

HIT THE CEILING: I try never to hit the ceiling.


Unknown said...

Nicely done, Miss Ellie; and yes, I found all of the idioms! Thanks!

Janice said...

You are learning so much about the English language, Ellie. You have done a good job in writing all the sentences with an idiom. I found them all. Keep posting the things you are learning, Ellie.
Love, Nanna

Anonymous said...

I like "Pays off". How about "fine as frogs hair"? Hogs hair is not fine as frogs hair.
