Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Argument of the star and moon

For an assignment, I wrote a conversation. It is about the star and the moon. It kind of rhymes.

Says the star to the moon," I am better than you, because there are many of me and only one of you."

Says the moon to the star," How wrong you are! I am the easiest to see at night."

Boastful star talks back to moon, "When clouds are out , or raining you see, it is easiest to see a star like me."

The moon is not one giver-upper so back to the star he talks," Not true, not true. On either of those nights, none of us are in sight."

The star becomes furious! " Well, I am a star that makes up the big dipper! What do you make up? Nothing!"

"Oh. Well, is the big dipper so important? You don't have astronauts come to visit you and look like a man!" boasts the moon.

The star did not want the moon to end up being better in this argument so he said, "I never change shape, you do. Only when you are full you look like a man. Now, confess. I must be better."

"You can't make me confess, and you never will! Even in a hundred years I still won't confess!" said boastful old moon. "You confess!"

The star and the moon have been fighting ever since they were discovered about who's better. Still, not one of them has confessed. No one knows if they will ever stop. Which one do YOU think is better?


Anonymous said...

I like the twinkling of the stars myself. Do you think they will ever mend their differences?


Janice said...

I've always been fascinated by the moon. When the moon is full, it can light up the night. It is mysteriously beautiful when it is just a sliver of light. As far as the argument between the stars and the moon, it could go on forever as long as neither one of them recognizes the good in the other one. They need to realize that they both have worth and their own purpose.

Love, Nanna

Anonymous said...

Really cool discussion. So life like. I love the big dipper and the moon too. I hope that they learn to appreciate each other.


Anonymous said...

I think they both have a purpose the moon needs to change and the stars do not need to change.


Anonymous said...

I think they both are good, the moon scientists can go and find interesting things out. The stars can make something like a pot where
the North star is.No matter what happens they will always have talents.
