Friday, July 10, 2009

Little Girl Lost in a Scary Place

A few days ago K.J. and I started swimming lessons. They are very enjoyable and easy. I feel that FINALLY I am going to pass Level 1.

Well, Papa came over yesterday. He decided that he would come and watch K.J. and I swim. Mom came too, along with Hope and Sarah.

At the end of swimming lessons mom had a wasp in her hair. After she got it out, (which she had quite some trouble with), we noticed that Sarah was missing.

Mom alerted everyone while everyone looked for her.

We had been looking for quite some time, when Papa came out of the men's rest room holding Sarah. We had found her just in time, because Papa said that she was just beginning to whimper.

I am grateful she didn't fall into the water and drown because Sarah is a important part of our family.


Sara said...

I am so glad you found Sarah! It was 3 summers ago we met you at swim lessons! Tell your Mom we always suspected she was too sweet, even bees think she is a flower! :)

Anonymous said...

Ellie, thanks for writing of this event. Ater your mom came out of the girls dressing room the whisper came to me to go into the men's and to look in every corner and cubicle. I did and it seemed to take considerable time while in distress. I thought that I had looked in every one when I saw a shadow around a corner and proceded to the area that is outside the pool area which is common to both the men's and the women's dressing rooms. There was little Sarah looking around. She began to whimper when I said "Hi Sarah can I take you to your mommy?" She then turned to me and I picked her up. I think that she had gone into the women's dressing room and was in one of those little cubicles when your mom went to look. Papa

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I haven't been commenting on your blog lately. I have a new post, and I'm glad you found Sarah.
Your cousin,

Katie and Dennis said...

Thank you for sharing this story. It is very touching. It was so fun to see you last weekend and to have you come to our house. What a treat! I still remember the notes you sent to me. Thank you so much, Ellie! Love you!