Thursday, April 30, 2009

How Can Being Stubborn Be Good? How Can It Be Bad?

I was given this assignment to write about how stubborn can be good and bad. This is what I came up with:

If you are stubborn you've made up your mind.

Being stubborn can be good. It can be bad. Being stubborn is good if you're following the ways of the Lord. Being stubborn is bad if you are following the ways of Satan.

Here is an example of good stubborn:

Annaleiah was walking to school. Samantha, her best friend, was with her. Annaleiah and Samantha saw some boys walking to school on a different path. Annaleiah knew that they would get to school late if they took that path. Samantha didn't know that. The boys asked Annaleiah and Samantha to join them. Annaleiah knew that she would get to school late if she took the path. She also knew that her mother didn't want her to walk to school with boys. When Samantha joined the boys, Annaleiah was tempted to join the boys too. But she thought it over and made up her mind.

"No!" she shouted, "I won't do it! No!"

"Please," the boys coaxed, "we'll have lots of fun."

"I'm sorry, but no," Annaleiah said, "No thank you."

"Well, all right," the boys said. "If that's what you want, you don't have to join us, but tomorrow you will."

"No!" shreaked Annaleiah. "No no no no no no!"

Annaleiah ran all the way to school, and was just on time. She knew that she would run into the boys the next day, so, she started off for school really early in the morning, and was quite early. From then on, Annaleiah always went to school early and never ran into those boys again.

Here's an example of bad stubborn:

Jo-Jo's baby sister, Cate was screaming very loudly.

"Jo-Jo can you take Cate?" called Jo-Jo's father.

"No!" Jo-Jo called back.

"Please," called Jo-Jo's father.

"N-O N-O NO!" yelled Jo-Jo.

Jo-Jo was sent to his room.



Anonymous said...

It is always good to be stubborn when you are following your parents safety rules,following Heavenly Fathers guidelines and when you hear the Holy Ghost promting you to do or not to do something. keep up the good job
Sister Marting

Laura Hartline said...

Those are great examples, Ellie!

Anonymous said...

Ellie, I am stubborn when Nanna wants me to take out the garbage but I want to read my book. Is that good or bad? How about if I tell her I will take it out if she gives me a cookie?


Anonymous said...

Papa, I don't think that that is very smart!
