Monday, July 22, 2013

Girl's Camp!

Girl's Camp was last week. I had so much fun! Here is a picture of all the girls that went! From left to right- Sister Boyer-YW President, Maddy N.-3rd year, Claire B.-1st year, Hailee R.-1st year, Lizzie P.-2nd year, Jaisa M.-3rd year, Ellie H.-2nd year, Kaylee M.-3rd year, Aubrey W.-3rd year, Julia M.-2nd year, Kaitlyn W.-1st year, Sarena W.-YCL, and Courtney S.-1st year! Missing fourth years (hike): Charlene D., Valerie S., and Breanne S.

Leaders that went from left to right: Sister Korf, Sister Boyer-YW President, Sister Norton-Ward Camp Director, Sister Roth- Camp cook, Sister Seele- YW first counselor, and Sister Nichols.

Group picture of the girls that went minus the fourth years. I'm being held across.

All the first years got pacifier necklaces. Sister Norton got one because it was her first year being ward camp director.

I wore nerdy pigtails on the second day of camp-same day as the group pictures!

The second years in our ward got to retire the colors on the fourth day of camp. from left to right: Julia M., Lizzie P., and Ellie H.

Sister Boyer invented the ultimate fanny pack! Size 46 DDD! One size fits all!

All in all, Girl's Camp was SUPER fun! can't wait to see how they do it in Scottsbluff next year!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


We just got a puppy! It is a little boy black lab/shepherd mix. His name is Coal. He is about eight weeks old-just old enough to adopt. He came out of a litter of eight puppies! When we adopted him today, there was only three puppies left-him and two of his sisters. He is very friendly and yips sadly if you leave him alone too long. I can already tell that he is going to be tough to train-but I love him anyway.

When we first brought him home, he sniffed around the yard for a bit. Almost everything in our yard is just right for his toy! He likes leaves, apples, tree bark, grass, and much more!

Coal loves it when you give him belly-rubs! He also likes to nibble on your fingers. Sarah is a little scared of Coal because she is afraid that he will bite her, but she is quickly warming up to him.

Coal loves to be scratched under his chin. He had a tick in his right ear-poor puppy-but dad got it out.
I love his little "goatee"!

Coal loves to just sit by your feet and cuddle. It was so cute because he cuddled with K.J. on the way home!

Coal loves to play and lick! Hope loves that!


I love Coal so much! He is so cute and loving! I hope that he will be just perfect for our family!