Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vacation in Texas and Oklahoma!!!!!!

We went on a family vacation to Oklahoma and Texas. Laura K. was with us in Texas. She is our new friend. We were there for ten days, but it feels like one!

We went to the Oklahoma City zoo. It was fun, but HOT!!!

We got to walk in water. It was a great way to cool off, eventhough the rocks weren't too comfortable!

We went to the aquarium in the zoo. I loved this seahorse.

Isn't this anteater cool?

My new boyfriend!

We went to a fun park called Celebration Station in Oklahoma City. We rode bumper boats and got all wet!

Dad and K.J. on a go-cart. I Love those things!!!!!!

We went to the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday. Sarah loved playing in the sand.

Hope loved the sand, too!

K.J. and I had fun swimming through the waves.

We found a hermit crab.(He's that little lump.)

Sarah found a really neat shell in the water.

Mom and Laura are best friends.

We got to feed the seagulls on our way back on the ferry.

We went to the Nasa Space Center in Houston on Friday. Hope and Sarah had fun playing in the playground.

Here we are in front of a rocketship.

I met an astronaut!!!!!!!!!

We went to an amusement park called Kemah Boardwalk on Saturday. It was my first time at an amusement park.

We rode on a Carousel. Hope and Sarah got to ride in this cool thing. The carousel had two levels. K.J. rode on a seal on the top, and I rode on a dolphin on the bottom.

The Ferris Wheel was my favorite thing.

We rode on the very back of a train, and saw the whole park!

We spent Father's Day with Laura at her house.

We gave dad a crazy tie!

All in all, it was a fun family vacation!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sarah talk

Guess who my post is about! That's right! My funny little Sarah!

Sarah wants to type: hgnmm,./khsarahxo09o87790

Sarah wants to talk. She says: "Thank you for writing us an 'h' .I am so happy. But, Ellie, I didn't say a word! Thank you for sitting on Ellie's lap. I love you."

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sarah's Birthday

Sarah's birthday was on the 6th, but we celebrated it on the 5th. She dressed up like a princess for this very special occasion!

She had a pink bunny cake.

Sarah opened her presents with great enthusiasm...

... and loved them all!

The pretty princess with all her presents!

I can't believe we have a 3-year-old! ( Sorry- it's sideways!)