Sunday, June 7, 2009

A recipie that you should try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should make this recipie. I invented it and it's really yummy!

Pineapple Smoothies


3 Pineapple Slices
6 scoops of vanilla ice cream
1 cup of milk
1 spoonful of sugar

Put all ingreedients in blender. Blend until smooth. Serve while cold.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Talk on Prayer

I have to give a talk this Sunday on prayer. I wanted to post my talk on my blog for you.

When my family prays we are blessed. I like family prayer time and all the other times that my family prays. I like saying my indivisual prayers too. I like to talk to Heavenly Father. I always feel peaceful when I pray. When I pray, I know that everything will work out.

Here is a scripture about prayer. 3rd Nephi chapter 18 verses 20-21. And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name which is right beleiving that ye shall recieve behold it shall be given unto you. Pray in your families unto the Father always in my name that your wives and your children may be blessed.

When Joseph Smith prayed in the sacred grove, he recieved a vision. When you pray wonderful things like that can happen to you. Here is an experience that Hope had with prayer:

Hope wanted to help me plan my talk. I told her that she could. She wanted me to carry her to the kitchen, and as I was carrying her, I acedentially dropped her. Hope bumped her head and started to cry. She was crying and crying. I could tell that her head was really hurting. I asked Hope if she wanted to say a prayer, and she said that she wanted to. I helped Hope pray that her head would feel better . After the prayer I put Hope on the couch and covered her with a blanket. I asked Hope if her head felt better, and she said that it did. I smiled and told Hope that she had done the right thing when she prayed that her head would feel better. Hope was happy to know that she had done the right things. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"Can't " is not a word!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you heard that saying before? It's meaning is really important. So, read closely and you'll soon find out what this important meaning is.
The saying "There is no such word as CAN'T" means that when you say that you can't do something THAT'S NOT TRUE! You can do everything! Well, I admit that sometimes when you say you can't do something it IS true. Like, let's say somebody wants you to smoke, but you say that you can't because your parents don't want you to, well, that's when can't IS a word. So, can't is a half word, a word that sometimes is a word and sometimes isn't a word.