Friday, November 27, 2009


My cousins Gabi and Emma came for Thanksgiving. They are very nice. Gabi is 7 and
Emma is5. They live in Utah. There is also Luke and Beau. ( Bow) Luke is 3 and Beau is 9mo. They are all cuties!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

how many funny things can Hope say?

Hope loves it when I dress her up and take a " pic- a-ture " of her. I just wanted to post about Hope. She is my sunshine!
All of Hope's cute sucker photos!

Hope loves Sarah! at bathtime she always says, " I want to take a bath with Darah! "

At a campout downstairs Hope said the cutest thing. " Yay!"

Hope is so funny when she discovers things. Yesterday we were in my room and Hope discovered a picture on my wall. She said, " Look at dat! I found somim!" ( " Look at that! I found someting!" )

Best of all, she's TOOT! ( cute)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

classroom, nothin' is like ours

I just wanted to tell about the classroom. When it wasn't there, I didn't go downstairs a lot. Now, it's my favorite place to be! This is a cute picture. Too bad it isn't in the classroom! Speaking of cute that is Hope's favorite word. She says it a lot. It's so CUTE because she says it when she's looking at books, her favorite thing to do. She says, " Toot! Oh toot!" It's so TOOT!
One Thursday we had a snow day! Then the front yard was our classroom. We made a snowman and a igloo. (shown here)

Sometimes the church is kind of like a classroom. We sometimes go there to do crafts with an elderly lady. Here, we made witches. Remember, our classroom is much nicer!

We like to read and write and do 'rithmatic in it!

Best of all, we can learn a lot in it!

Monday, November 23, 2009

coverup on school !

Awesome! Isn't it?!
We do service with other families who homeschool. here, we are painting Susan and Richard's shed. I just wanted to do a coverup on school. the picture above is the classroom!

We do expieriments. Here, we are examining soil in our backyard.

Telephone booth!

Hope was so amazed! She LOVED the pictures of the presidents!

Our family!

We went on a field trip to the Denver State Capital after the Denver Mint. ( Picture on other post about school.) We are by the big bell in front of it. Above is pictures inside he state capital. ( They didn't let us take pictures in the mint.)

The shell is Twister. He is not out of it.

We have a class pet crab named Twister. above is a close up look at him!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


We go on field trips this one is of the Denver mint!
Best of all, we have the greatest teacher I could ever ask for! My mother!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chimps chatter.

I made tons of interesting sentences from one boring old sentence: Chimps chatter. I hope you will find them detailed and interesting. When you comment, tell me which sentence you think begins with a gerund verb.

Noisy, annoying chimps chatter.

Are those noisy, annoying, chattering chimps going to fall down from that gigantic, leafy, beautiful, old oak tree?

At the highest branch of a gigantic, leafy, beautiful, old oak tree, two very noisy and annoying chimps won't stop chattering.

To chatter at the top of the tallest,oldest, most beautiful oak tree around, is wonderful for the chimps, but noisy and annoying for the people.

Chattering in front of the dissapointed audience, the chimps sit in a gigantic oak tree chattering in a place where they can barely be seen.

Annoying! Those noisy chinps won't stop chattering and the dissapointed audience doesn't like the zoo anymore!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Argument of the star and moon

For an assignment, I wrote a conversation. It is about the star and the moon. It kind of rhymes.

Says the star to the moon," I am better than you, because there are many of me and only one of you."

Says the moon to the star," How wrong you are! I am the easiest to see at night."

Boastful star talks back to moon, "When clouds are out , or raining you see, it is easiest to see a star like me."

The moon is not one giver-upper so back to the star he talks," Not true, not true. On either of those nights, none of us are in sight."

The star becomes furious! " Well, I am a star that makes up the big dipper! What do you make up? Nothing!"

"Oh. Well, is the big dipper so important? You don't have astronauts come to visit you and look like a man!" boasts the moon.

The star did not want the moon to end up being better in this argument so he said, "I never change shape, you do. Only when you are full you look like a man. Now, confess. I must be better."

"You can't make me confess, and you never will! Even in a hundred years I still won't confess!" said boastful old moon. "You confess!"

The star and the moon have been fighting ever since they were discovered about who's better. Still, not one of them has confessed. No one knows if they will ever stop. Which one do YOU think is better?

Monday, October 12, 2009


Sarah loves to ba outside, and can get very dirty. Here we are at KJ's baseball game. Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you that I was going to post a little bit about Sarah! Boy, is she a cutie!
Like all babies, Sarah sometimes is sad, but no matter what, she always is cute!

Best of all, Sarah is smiley and loves to eat!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Idioms does not mean idiot! I thought it meant idiot when I first heard the word.

Okay I will type some idioms for you. I will do the ones my mom likes the best then do my favorites. I will put what you need to listen for before the sentence. When you comment, be sure to tell me if you found all the idioms in the sentences.

WALKING ON AIR: When dad gave me ice cream in the middle of the night, I was walking on air.

PAYS OFF: Being nice to my little sisters sure pays off!

RAINING CATS AND DOGS: My brother thought it was raining cats and dogs when a cat flew in our house.

KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE: I don't kill two birds with one stone a lot.

LEAVE NO STONE UNTUNED: I try to leave no stone unturned.

THROUGH THICK AND THIN: I try to be strong through thick and thin.

Those ate mom's favorites. Now for mine.

HOLD YOUR HORSES: Dale's mom tells him to hold his horses a lot.

PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE: It is sometimes fun to put the cart before the horse.

SPILL THE BEANS: I did not spill the beans about Hope's name.

HIT THE CEILING: I try never to hit the ceiling.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I just wanted to post about KJ. He is a nice brother and fun to play with. One of my favorite games to play with him is called mom and dad.
KJ can be funny.

KJ likes to do funny things with Honey. Here he is stuck between the screen door and regular door in the kitchen! Another funny thing he did with Honey, was put a hat on him so he could be the cat in the hat!

At the airport KJ's favorite thing to do is go up and down the escalators.

KJ is always racing to do something!

KJ likes to go places with his family. Here we are at a temple. I can't remember which!

Best of all KJ is smiley!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I just wanted to post about my little Hope. She just turned three in August. She LOVED her doggie cake!!!!!!!!
In the car!

with Liberty.
hope sure does love Sarah! She wants a bath with her every day!
Hope is so smiley!
Yes Hope, Ice crean IS yummy!!!!!!
She loves to pose for pictures!
Best of all, she loves her family. And Anna!(shown above.)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

silly pictures

I just wanted to post some funny pictures. This one is of Hope and dad at the family reunion.

Uh-oh I got in the way!!!!!!!!!

Our caterpillar Fergus.

Last of all, a wild hair-do!